Collective (weave)choreography Gothenburg (2024)

Collective (weave)choreography, performance outside Konstepidemin in Gothenburg during the Craft Days biennal, 4th of May 2024.

A performance by textile artist Matilda Dominique where she experiments with collective back strap weaving. The weavers are connected to their tools, the warp as well as to each other. Slow movements build materials. The same movements also affects the warp threads, that stretch out throughout the space. The body is making craft, simultaneously it is a tool for making. As the weaving proceeds, a temporary thread installation is created that opens up for new ways of experiencing the surrounding space.


Naomi Sussex, Lisbeth Strømstad, Sofia Sterner, Mirjam Fält Gille, Carola Lektén, Susanne Sadri, Petra Haddad, Alexandra Nildén, Birgitta Hyvönen, Kerstin Sylwan, Annika Westlund, Anita Fors, Elynore Thorstenson, Carina Jensen, Mari Leion, Emma Leion Lundgren, Martina Björling, Johanna Engström, Therése Javér & Disa Falck

Photo: Hendrik Zeitler